
AeroCade User Guide


AeroCade is an In-Flight Entertainment app designed to keep users entertained during travels, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the core functionalities and features.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Download the latest version of AeroCade.jar from here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your (name).
  4. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar (name).jar command to run the application.
  5. Type commands in the CLI and press Enter to execute it. (E.g. type and enter ‘help’ for a list of available commands)
  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.


Playing a game of TicTacToe

  1. Entering tutorial mode: type TTT tutorial
    • Detailed tutorial showing the gameplay mechanics of how to win TicTacToe.
    • Timed aspect of 4 seconds per frame.

    Format: TTT tutorial

    Start of TicTacToe tutorial:

    [Tutorial Mode is playing, do not input any commands!]
    Tutorial Pilot: Good day! this is Tutorial Pilot and I will demonstrate
                    a stellar gameplay of TTT for you!
        |   |    
        |   |    
        |   |    
    Tutorial Pilot: This is a TTT board which I'll be placing an 'X' depending on
                    the number I put, here is the numbered layout!
    • At any point, if you want to quit tutorial mode., type quit.
    TTT Tutorial exited! Returning back to the Main Menu...
  2. Entering the real Tic-Tac-Toe game:
    • To start a game, type TTT.
    • Choose your difficulty, either easy or hard, and type it in.
    • Pick a box in the grid to occupy by choosing number 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9.
    • At any point, if you want to quit, simply type quit
    • At the same time, if you need a guide, type guide

    Format: TTT

      1 | 2 | 3
      4 | 5 | 6    
      7 | 8 | 9    
    Choose: 'easy', our first champion, is a benchmark 
    for all challengers to test their mettle against,
    or 'hard', our second champion, is an Elder of the clouds.
    Which opponent do you desire, challenger?
    I shall not shame you for desiring a weaker opponent
    on whom to test your mettle,
    but honor is not found in crushing the weak.
        |   |    
        |   |    
        |   |    
    Make your move, challenger.
    Make your move, challenger.
      X | O |    
      X |   | O  
      X |   | O  
    You have claimed victory over the skies. Godspeed, champion.
    Now what would you like to do?

Playing a game of Hangman

  1. Entering tutorial mode: type hangman tutorial
    • Detailed tutorial showing the ideal thought process of playing while showing the number of mistakes allowed
    • Timed aspect of 4 seconds per frame.

    Format: hangman tutorial

    Start of Hangman tutorial:

    [Tutorial Mode is playing, do not input any commands!]
    Tutorial Pilot: Good day! this is Tutorial Pilot and I will demonstrate
                    a stellar gameplay of Hangman for you! 
    |     |        
    _ _ _ _ _
    Tutorial Pilot: This is the start of the game, for this tutorial, I'll need to
                    guess a 5-letter word before the 'hangman' is drawn out, which
                    means I can only make 5 wrong guesses! Let's try the letter 'a'
    • At any point, if you want to quit tutorial mode., type quit.
    Hangman Tutorial exited! Returning back to the Main Menu...
  2. Entering the real Hangman game:
    • To start a game, type hangman.
    • You will be prompted to choose a category between animals, fruits, countries & sports
    • Type in one of the 4 categories
    • Guess a letter in the secret word by typing in the letter or if you are confident
    • Guess the whole secret word.

    Format: hangman

    |     |
    These are the guesses you have made so far:
     _ _ _
    These are the guesses you have made so far:
    a  o  i  u  e  b  r  h  
     _ _ o r _
    give me your next guess
      |     |
      |     @
      |    /|\
      |     |
      |    / \
    Oh noo!! It seems you have lost   :( 
    The correct answer is [stork]
    Now what would you like to do?

Viewing of Game statistics

In the main menu, users can view their total game statistics. This can be done so through the stats command input into the CLI.

Format: stats

Type 'help' for a list of available commands!                  

Total games played: 0
Your victories thus far, player: 0
Your Defeats, player: 0
Your Draws, player: 0
Number of times you fled: 0

The stats command will display:

In-Game Guides

💡 Tip: Use the tutorial to learn the game first, then use the guide if you face further issues in-game

Q: Where can I find a guide on understanding the game rules?

A: Open a game with TTT or hangman and open the game guide with guide. Below is an example when opening guide while playing hangman.

Format: guide (only in-game)

Now what is your first guess? ('guide' for a guide on how to play Hangman!)
Let me explain the rules of this game:
	- Hangman is a word guessing game played by yourself.
	- There is a SECRET word which you would have to guess.
	- You will have to guess letter by letter within 7 tries. Else, you lose!!

Commands for the game:
	- To guess a letter, simply type in an alphabet.
	- If it is correct, the letter will be shown.
	- A list of guessed letters will be indicated at the top as well.

Lets put your english to the test! Best of luck :D

And while playing Tic-Tac-Toe as shown below.


Choose: 'easy', our first champion, is a benchmark 
for all challengers to test their mettle against, 
or 'hard', our second champion, is an Elder of the clouds. 
Which opponent do you desire, challenger?

Let me explain the rules of this game:
	- The ancient game of Tic-Tac-Toe, as foretold by our forefathers, is a trial
 by single combat.
	- A grid, numbering three across and three lengthwise. Each space represents a
 spot you can occupy.
	- You and your opponent will take turns making your moves. The first to complete a line, either horizontally, diagonally or vertically, will emerge the
 victorious, and give rightful justification to their place in the skies.
Commands for the game:
	- To mark a box, simply key in the box's number.
	- The grid is marked from left to right, top to bottom, from 1 to 9.

Q: Where can I learn how to play the game?

A: In the main menu on the CLI, start a tutorial with either TTT tutorial or hangman tutorial. Below is an example of the start of a tutorial (frame 1 only) when calling TTT tutorial.

TTT tutorial
[Tutorial Mode is playing, do not input any commands!]
Tutorial Pilot: Good day! this is Tutorial Pilot and I will demonstrate
                a stellar gameplay of TTT for you!

    |   |    
    |   |    
    |   |    

Tutorial Pilot: This is a TTT board which I'll be placing an 'X' depending on
                the number I put, here is the numbered layout!
(... More Frames to be shown)

Known Issues

  1. Tutorial Mode is still active 4 seconds after displaying the whole tutorial.

Command Summary

Commands Description
help See list of commands in menu
TTT tutorial View Tic-tac-toe tutorial
TTT Start a game of Tic-tac-toe
hangman tutorial View Hangman tutorial
hangman Start a game of Hangman
guide (only in-game) View guide while in-game
stats View game statistics
quit Ends the game/tutorial/program